This application is very similar to the ColorTracker but instead of colors it tracks flames.
To link the wiimote to your computer you just have to have the bluetooth on and press 1 & 2 buttons.
It has some vertical lines, the white ones represent the x center of the flames and the other two, x min and x max, which are blue, divide the image in three parts. If the white lines are on the left part the application gives the robot an order to turn left and if they are on the right part it should turn right.
There are one other horizontal line, the y center of the flame which is white. The flame is represented by a yellow circle. If it is between the x min and x max lines the robot goes foward.
The blue lines can be adjusted using the correspondent sliders.
The serial commands (w,s,a,d and g) can be sent at a 4800 baud to the COM port specified on the text field, you just to write it there and press ENTER (example: "COM5").
The wiimote is a really cool controller to use with your robots. It has many buttons, accelerometers and even a camera which tells the coordinates of the four principal IR emitters that it sees.
There are many examples of applications using it, some of the most populars are from Johnny Chung Lee. But there are much more, just search for "wiimote" or "wiimote robot" on youtube or google. On LMR there are some examples too:
If they work, you can pass to the next step, the serial communication with your robot.
The application MyFirstWii is really easy to adapt.
All you have to do is to import the serial library, create a serial object, define the COM port & the baud rate and add the serial communication where the data about the buttons is analyzed. Here is an example:
import processing.serial.*;
import lll.wrj4P5.*;
Wrj4P5 wii;
Serial TheBox;
void setup() {
wii=new Wrj4P5(this);
TheBox = new Serial(this, "COM5", 4800);
void draw() {
rotateX((int) (wii.rimokon.senced.x*30+300));
rotateY((int) (wii.rimokon.senced.y*30+300));
rotateZ((int) (wii.rimokon.senced.z*30+300));
void buttonPressed(RimokonEvent evt, int rid) {
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.TWO)) println("2");
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.ONE)) println("1");
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.B)) {
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.A)) println("A");
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.MINUS)) println("Minus");
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.HOME)) println("Home");
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.LEFT)){
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.RIGHT)){
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.DOWN)){
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.UP)){
if (evt.wasPressed(RimokonEvent.PLUS)) println("Plus");