segunda-feira, 8 de novembro de 2010

SimpleClient & SimpleServer - How to use


These applications are very easy to use.
They are supposed to remote control a robot with two motors.

To make them work with yours you'll only have to do the following:
 - First of all you'll have to have both computers connected on a wirelless network. If you don't have any you can create an computer-to-computer network like it is explained on this site:
 - Open your board correspondent Firmata, change the highlighted areas and upload it
 - Open SimpleServer.pde on your controller computer and run it.
 - Open SimpleClient.pde on the computer connected to your board, change the highlighted areas (COM port and server IP) and run it.

They work like this:

When you press one key (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT or S) on your controller computer keyboard, the server application analyzes, shows the arrows images and sends the correspondent letter (w, s, a, d or g) to the client application that analyzes, shows the arrows images and re-sends the letter to the arduino or the picaxe board which analyzes again and do whatever you wrote on the highlighted areas of the Firmata.

Movie with the robot of The Tank Project: